Brownies with Pretzels and Caramel (Because why not?)

Recipe: Gooey chocolate brownies with pretzels sprinkled on top and drizzled with homemade caramel sauce.

For a number of reasons, I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Now, Thursday I leave for a long-awaited trip to California and I am GREATLY looking forward to that. But tomorrow? Well, I could do without tomorrow. And so tonight, in an effort to make tomorrow a little better, I bake. And what do I bake, you ask? I bake the ultimate gooey, sweet and salty, delicious concoction I could think of – fudgy brownies topped with crushed pretzels and then drizzled with homemade caramel sauce.


August 30, 2011. Brownies, Caramel, Pretzel. 2 comments.

Blackberry and Blueberry Buttermilk Cake (ho-hum)

Recipe: A buttermilk cake topped with a layer of blackberries and blueberries.

So originally I hadn’t planned on baking this week. My evenings are pretty packed as of late what with rowing (don’t ask me about rowing unless you want me to talk your ear off about it. I love it. And I think it loves me. Also, I’m totally getting a wicked set of guns – just ask me to flex for you next time I see you. Ok, don’t actually – you’ll be disappointed…. ok back to the cake). Yes, what with rowing and random events with friends (can we saw Flight of the Navigator on the big screen??), getting ready to go back home for a weekend to attend my friend’s bridal shower, and then turning around and going out to Sacramento for a long-anticipated visit to see another good friend… I’m exhausted just thinking about it. But also tremendously excited! But all this traveling also means that I need to clean out my fridge and one of the things I wanted to use up was some buttermilk. Fortunately, buttermilk is in a good proportion of baked goods so this wasn’t going to be difficult.


August 22, 2011. Blackberries, Blueberries, Cake. Leave a comment.

Snickerdoodle and Nutella Ice Cream Sandwiches {LOVE}

Recipe: Homemade Nutella ice cream smushed between two snickerdoodle cookies.

Snickerdoodles are by far my favorite cookie. By FAR. Chocolate chip cookies don’t hold a torch to snickerdoodles as far as I’m concerned. Blasphemous, I know. But I could literally walk by a million chocolate chip cookies without being at all tempted to eat one. Put a snickerdoodle in front of me though… Anyway, the point is I love the snickerdoodle. So I decided a few weeks ago to peruse the internet and see what glorious things I could do with said cookie and I found that people were putting Nutella in between two snickerdoodle cookies. And my world was officially rocked.


August 7, 2011. Chocolate, Cookie, ice cream. 2 comments.